Thursday, 11 February 2010


I'll bear my heart, though one may profane
It most naive in it's splendid youth,
For, of what I can discern with sanguine qualm,
It be true to itself in resonate hope,
Sustaining beneath the better knowledge
Of a wisdom far exceeding the bitter longing
That fuels it's fruitless course, or so it seems.
My honeyed desire be only this, my sweet:
That one should thirst for the juice,
The syrupy elixir of my very vitality,
With a longing 'O but a mere millionth as amply
As I yearn for thee; pray, grant me this?
Why, who do I seek to fool? Such a thing
Cannot be asked for and readily received
In earnest agreement upon a covenant
Spoken for mutuality, no, it be not so.
Prithee, spare me the seasonal seeking of
Affirmation, of which you so frequently require,
For you do know as well, if not more, than I
Myself that I will be enchanted by your
Spell as a butterflies wings do flutter for
The rays of sunshine that swim from the heavens.
You know, and it pains me that I know so
That you know, for it leaves me pondering
The very essence of my wishing upon stars.
You, you are every star that shines in the
Midnight sky, twinkling above me in majestic
Perfection, such indelible, majestic perfection.
So, I do beseech you, if thou hast but any Love
in thine heart, towards the one who is myself,
If it be that of the long ago or a simultaneous
'One day', spare me your beauty for a while.
With every breath you steal, I must capture
one more; I am losing time - you are my time.
And you tick and you tock in my mind,
And I watch you, leaving me behind.

How dare you say: 'Don't let me go' -
I cannot deny you anything,
So, here I am.

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i hope you're well.